Loyal Customer


Exclusive Prices

Save up to 50% off It Works! products!

Automated Monthly Shipments

Never run out of your favorite products with our flexible auto-ship service.

Easy Customization

Each month you have the flexibility to change your auto-ship to meet your needs. Mix and match to create a package with all the products you want this month.

Perks Points with Every Order

Starting with your first order as a Loyal Customer, you earn 10% of the wholesale value of every order in Perks Points. For every USD $10 you spend with It Works! (excludes taxes and shipping), you'll receive one point in return, which is equal to USD $1 in redeemable value. You'll gain access to redeem your Perks Points after placing your fourth consecutive monthly auto-ship order.

After 4 consecutive months on auto-ship, 50 FREE Perk Points and after 12 consecutive months on auto-ship, and additional 150 FREE Perks Points will be added to your account. (That's a shopping spree--on us!)

If you would like to become a Loyal Customer and get that price all you have to commit to is 3 months of buy any 1 product at any price. For example the first month you might want the Skinny Pack the next month you might want the Greens and the 3rd month you might want a box of wraps. This makes you qualified to be a loyal customer!  Once you are a LC you are a LC for life! So maybe you want to cancel after the 3 months and come back later you get the same price. Personally I plan on buying a box of wraps after every baby and before any wedding or reunion.

Skinny Pack

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